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品牌 | 其他品牌 | 价格区间 | 面议 |
产品种类 | 其他 | 介质分类 | 气体 |
产地类别 | 国产 | 应用领域 | 电子 |
MFR-C插入式热式气体米兰app下载安卓 适用于各类型大口径通风管路的流量监测,拥有24V和220V两种供电方式可选,具有安装方便,可在线拔插等优点,用户维护方便。
All products are designed without moving parts, and the sensor will not be clogged due to dirty medium or medium particles.
A wide turndown ratio of 1,000:1 is provided. This flowmeter is sensitive to low flow and does not require multi-level measurement. It is suitable for various ranges on site.
3、全金属焊接构造可选材质包括:316不锈钢,哈氏合金、等其它材质,传感器无磨损、抗腐蚀,保证传感器长期稳定运行 。
Optional materials for all-metal welding structures include 316 stainless steel, Hastelloy alloy, and other materials. The sensor is free of wear and corrosion to ensure a long-term stable operation.
4、低压力损失 ,几乎没有压力损失,克服了传统差压法因管道压力低而无法测量的弊病。
Low-pressure loss (almost zero), overcomes the disadvantage of measurement unavailable by conventional differential pressure method due to low pipeline pressure.
5、变送器一体化或分体安装可选,方便用户操作,可集中查看各风道流量值,减少工作量,同时满足高温测量的要求。Integrated or split transmitter installation is optional, making it convenient for users to operate. It can check the flow value of each air duct in a centralized manner to reduce workload and meet the requirements of high-temperature m